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Upgrading to 0.15.0

Upgrade Guides Are Moving

The location of the dbt Core upgrade guides has changed, and they will soon be removed from Guides. The new location is in the Docs tab under Available dbt versions. You have been redirected to the new URL, so please update any saved links and bookmarks.

The dbt v0.15.0 release contains a handful of breaking code changes for users upgrading from v0.14.0.

Breaking changes

Stricter YML compilation

Previous versions of dbt would raise warnings and ignore improperly formatted .yml files. Compilation errors in .yml files are now treated as errors instead of warnings.

Relation class

The table_name field has been removed from Relations. Macros that expect this field will now return errors. See the latest class reference for details.

Custom materializations

All materializations must now manage dbt's Relation cache. For more information, refer to Create new materializations.

dbt Server

The existing compile and execute rpc tasks have been renamed to compile_sql and execute_sql. For more details, see the latest rpc docs.

Python requirements

dbt v0.15.0 removes support for for Python 2.x, as it will no longer be supported on January 1, 2020.

If you are installing dbt in a Python environment alongside other Python modules, please be mindful of the following changes to dbt's Python dependencies:

  • Dropped support for networkx 1.x
  • Upgraded werkzeug to 0.15.6
  • Pinned psycopg2 dependency to 2.8.x to prevent segfaults
  • Set a strict upper bound for jsonschema dependency